Bioelectric Massage Therapy, also called Bioelectric Meridian Massage Therapy (BMMT), is a non-drug therapeutic alternative for those who are in pain, whether chronic or acute. It is a breakthrough method that uses the body’s natural bioelectricity to enhance overall well-being, organ health, and functional mobility.

Amazing Benefits of Bioelectric Massage Therapy

  • Cell activation
  • Improves functionality and mobility
  • Nerve and muscle tissue activation
  • Nervous system stimulation
  • Digestive system regulation
  • Anti-inflammatory role
  • Prevent imbalances in the body
  • Alleviates pain and soothing aching muscles
  • Fatigue elimination
  • Purification and detoxification of the body
  • Beauty, slimming, and fitness
  • Removing the blockages in the body’s meridians
  • Enhances blood circulation

Conditions Treated by Bioelectric Massage Therapy

  • Back pain
  • Muscle pain
  • Head pain and migraines
  • Blood flow disorders in the upper and lower limbs
  • Arthritis
  • Complex regional pain syndrome
  • Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome
  • Nervous system disorders
  • Scleroderma or pain of the skin resulting from poor circulation

BMMT is safe to use for people of all ages, from newborns to the elderly, and it benefits both the client and the therapist. However, Bioelectric therapy is not recommended for certain people, such as the following:

  • People with pacemaker
  • Pregnant women
  • Thrombosis (blood clot in the arms and legs)
  • People with a bacterial infection
  • Undergone heart implants and surgery

How is Bioelectric Therapy Better Than Regular Massage?

The use of Bioelectric massage therapy results in a deep penetration of current that extends beyond the surface. It not only leaves you feeling revitalized, but it is also cost-effective since one Bioelectric massage therapy session may be equivalent to up to three conventional massages.

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What Happens During A Bioelectric Therapy Session?

Several tiny, flat rubber adhesive discs (called electrodes) are placed at the skin regions to be treated during bioelectric treatment. Sometimes, rubber suction cups (known as vaso pneumatic devices) may be utilized. The electrodes are linked to a computer, which calculates the exact therapy dose necessary. The electrodes are subsequently subjected to high-frequency alternating electrical currents. The currents travel swiftly through the skin and cause no pain. Your reaction to electrical stimulation is monitored during treatment.

A slight vibrating, tingling feeling is normal when electricity is administered. This sensation should not be unpleasant; rather, it should provide calming and comforting pain alleviation. You will offer vocal input to the therapist as the currents are applied. You should feel at ease and enjoy the session, which should last approximately 20-minutes.

Experience the Wonders of Bioelectric Massage Therapy Today!

If you are interested in trying Bioelectric Massage Therapy for yourself, speak to one of our professional therapists here at Massage Rx today! Our BMMT is a cutting-edge therapy that combines the concepts of Traditional Eastern and Western Technology. Learn more here:


At Massage Rx, we are not only popular in administering BMMT but also in:

As we are committed to providing the citizens of Los Angeles and surrounding suburbs with pain-free bodies and the best quality of life, we acknowledge the importance of awareness. While our services aim for well-being, it’s essential to understand aspects such as “lymphatic massage drainage dangers” to make informed choices about your health. Additionally, consider exploring our affordable and effective Postural Correction Training Program.

To get started towards improved general well-being, contact us today and avail of our Postural Correction Training Booklet! There’s more! When you purchase now, you will get a FREE MASSAGE! Check it here:

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