The Relaxing Clinical Massage Therapy in Glendale

Need massage therapy in Glendale? Massage Rx offers a variety of exceptional physical massage and clinical therapies. We specialize in clinical massage to provide relief to injured and strained muscles. From the gentle kneading of muscles and other soft tissues to deeper, manual techniques, our therapists will use different methods of massage to help relieve tension and produce a feeling of deep relaxation and calmness.

Have you had an accident and need rehabilitation for your injuries? Massage Rx caters to soothe your chronic pains. Our clinical massage therapy team located in Glendale and North Hollywood can help. Massage affects the whole body, particularly the circulatory, lymphatic, musculoskeletal, and nervous systems.

Benefits of Massage and Physical Therapies

Did you know that studies have shown that regular massages may add as much as 6 years to your life? Getting massages twice a month would definitely increase your quality of life.

Getting a massage at Massage Rx can:

  • Reduced stress
  • Alleviate low-back pain and improve range of motion
  • Increased awareness of your body
  • Assist with shorter, easier labor for expectant mothers and shorten maternity hospital stays
  • Reduce spasms and cramping
  • Enhance immunity by stimulating lymph flowā€”the bodyā€™s natural defense system
  • Help athletes of any level prepare for, and recover from, strenuous workout
  • Increase joint flexibility
  • Pump oxygen and nutrients into tissues and vital organs, improving circulation
  • Relieve pains from migraine
  • Release endorphinsā€”amino acids that work as the bodyā€™s natural painkiller

Massage Rx provides different types of massage therapies to alleviate your therapeutic needs. Our experienced therapist will use a combination of methods based on what your body needs.

Alleviate your Chronic Pain and Illnesses with Clinical Massage Therapy here in Glendale

For relaxation and stress relief, our Swedish or Chair massage will greatly increase your mood and reduce muscle pains. Sports massage for athletes of every kind who regularly strain their muscles from training. Deep Tissue massage, similar to Swedish massage, but the technique focuses on the deepest layer of muscles to target ligatures and release chronic muscle tension. Expectant mothers need massages too. Hence, Prenatal massage can help soothe sore, achy muscles and joints while also relaxing the body during your pregnancy. And of course, Couples massage amplify and strengthen the relationship with your partner while soothing both your pains and stress.

Thus, it is assuring to have therapeutic clinical massage therapy right here in Glendale. Give us a call today or contact us here to book your appointment to get the best massage you have ever gotten!

Give us a call at 626-768-3969 and get the best physical therapy in Glendale.

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