In Home Massage Therapy in Sherman Oaks

Many massage businesses have a facility that you can walk into and get a massage. Our team not only has a facility but we also go to your home. We service in home Massage therapy Sherman Oaks and Century City. All you have to do is give us a call and book your appointment with our Massage Rx representative. Or if you don’t have time to call you can go to our website and book your appointment from there. On our website, we also have pictures of our therapist and all the different things that they specialize in.

Massage Rx will always try to match you with the best therapist possible so you can have the best experience with us. Initially, when you call we will ask you several questions to see what is that you would like addressed during your massage. We will also ask you if you would like anything added like Quanta balm or cupping. Then we will proceed into booking your appointment. We will need your personal information in order to fully book your appointment. Once we are all set then all you have to do is sit in your home and wait for us to come.

Massage Rx prides itself on providing the best medical massage out there. We are here to ensure that all your pain-related issues in your body are solved. We make our commitment to you to help you alleviate some of the pain that you might feel on an everyday basis. We will assess your pain and ask questions to see what we can help you with when we are not there.

Our team members make sure that they provide a full service. Our therapist provides a professional massage, exercises to address pain when we are not there, and educational information to help you with pain management which is an essential part of our practice. Here are some of the symptoms that you get from bad posture.

  • Potbelly.
  • Rounded shoulders.
  • Bent knees when standing or walking.
  • Head that either leans forward or backward.
  • Back pain.
  • Body aches and pains.
  • Muscle fatigue.
  • Headache.

These things can be reduced by getting at least a monthly massage. If you are a person that has any of these symptoms you can definitely give us a call and we will go to you to fix the problem. Massage Rx will make sure that your problems get alleviated if not reduced. So give us a call and we will be at your door when in need.

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