In Home Massage Therapy in Century City

Pain comes in many forms and some types of pain can be more debilitating than others. Our in home massage therapy team is located in Century City, West Hollywood, and El Segundo makes sure that you are left feeling great. Our team is trained to give you the best medical massage out there. We pride ourselves with giving our clients not only a professional massage but also techniques that they can take home and do themselves so they can still continue to do treatment at home.

Our goal at Massage Rx is to build a relationship with our clients so we can understand their daily lives and assess their pain accordingly during the massage. Pain can cause a number of issues. Massage therapy has been demonstrated to relieve many types of pain, including but not limited to chronic lower back pain, fibromyalgia, arthritis, and chronic tension headaches. We also treat pain experienced by cancer patients. Although we do treat cancer patients these clients should take precautions as we do not perform massage right after a patient has had a radiation session

Therapeutic massage may also relieve a number of pain issues including relaxing painful muscles, tendons, and joints. Massage also helps relieve stress and anxiety by stimulating nerve fibers and stopping pain messages to and from the brain.Ā 

We suggest getting a massage every week if possible because clients that have received massage on a weekly basis state they sleep better, have less anxiety and depression than people who don’t receive massage on a frequent basis.

Massage can be so beneficial so not just the young but it can be most beneficial to the elderly.Ā 

The elderly suffer the most discomfort due more wear and tear on their bodies. In order to combat this and make sure that our patients are not in more discomfort than what they should be we will provide an in home service. It is priced a little bit higher than our in clinic massages but the convenience is worth every penny.

Massage Rx is committed to help all of our clients whether they are booking a relaxation massage or pain alleviation from a pinched nerve. We try to be the best in the game and we do this by having our therapist continue education to ensure that our clients get the best of the best. We hold weekly sessions in our facility so that our therapists are up to date and get to practice new techniques with each other so they can see the difference that it makes to our clients.

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