Corporate Massage Therapy in Los Feliz
If you want to make your company grow, have great company culture, and increase efficiency than a corporate massage therapy event is what you need. You can book us out of Los Feliz or Eagle Rock. Our team will be ready to assist you wherever you are. Our skilled team will always provide the highest quality of service that you can get.
Making an investment in your staff is the best type of investment you can make. When you make your staff happy and stress free they will take care of your company like if it was theirs. When staff is being neglected and just expected to work all the time the company doesn’t make a good impression making them slow their productivity level and encouraging them to look for employment elsewhere.
In office massages show your staff that the work that they do is appreciated and that you notice all the hard work that they do and you want to reward them for it.
In office massages increases the following:
- Increases productivity
- Reduces stress
- Lowers workers comp
- Happier staffĀ
- Positive office culture
These are only some of the reasons why you would want our professional team going out to your company to do in office massages if you want to better your company you have to start by investing in your staff. By booking with us we will make sure that you get the highest quality of massage that there is. We will be efficient and to the point no time to be wasted here.
Our Massage Rx team is trained to provide the high level of massage there is. In our facility we provide our therapist with continued education so they can better serve our clients. By learning the latest technique or just practicing their own techniques we keep our therapist sharp and ready to provide massage. We can set up 2 different types of massage one being on our massage table and the other in our massage chairs. The equipment that we bring will be based on the amount of space we will have to set up. Something to note is when on a massage table we will be able to address lower problem areas like hips but with a massage chair we can only address the upper body. Whichever it is we will make sure that your staff receive the best massage therapy out there.
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